Abuse Warning
We would like to inform you that it is your responsibility to always keep your username(s) and password(s) confidential and ensure that third parties do not obtain access to your trading account. We will not be liable for any transactions and/or contracts executed by a third party in your trading account if you have willfully or accidentally provided such third party with your login credentials. If you know or suspect that someone has used or is using your registration information, username or password to access any service without your authorization, you should notify our Client Support immediately.
Moreover, please be aware that it has come to our attention that various companies contacted our clients with misleading and false claims that either:
a) they are part of our Group, or
b) they are our business partners or in any other ways affiliated with us, or
c) clone companies, trying to use our company information, licenses etc. with another brand name or changing any important contact information in order to obtain any client or personal information;
d) they claim to be regulated by Fictitious Regulators, or
e) they claim to be regulated but are not.
Some of these companies and/or individuals have contacted our clients into starting a business relationship and/or depositing money and/or trying to obtain valuable sensitive information of clients in order to hack their accounts or otherwise harm them.
Please be warned that this has nothing to do with our group even if companies or individuals present themselves as part of our operations.
We kindly request you be particularly careful if any company or individual contacts you and claims any of the above. For your protection, please see below a non-exclusive list of companies and individuals and their websites which are not related to our group:
BDSwiis |
Abtrading |
Topcmarket |
Safe Secure LLP |
Concept4X |
Absolute Global Market |
AG Markets |
WizeCapital |
Concept2020 |
Swisskapitalinvest |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
@bdswissmarket.net |
@bdswissmarket.com |
@bdswiss.cc |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
@bdswsiss.com |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
[email protected] |
Business Ziaan |
@Martins_jones |
Siyethemba Mhlongo |
Diana Percy |
Nico Alvarez |
Eva Koopman |
Helen Elisabeth |
BDSWcom by Samantha Lee-Ann Whittenburg |
BDSwiss google play app by Ortwin |
Travis Nicholas |
Murphy Wilson |
Edward Brown |
Luca de Salvo |
Mario Belmonte |
Jared Sorenssen |
Lucas Green |
Kantonal Beratung (kantonalberatung.com) |
Saul Morales Garcia |
David Soares |
Hailey Greyson |
Mike Fridman |
live:9369c8ee847d3cdb (BDSwiss employee impersonator) |
Erick Larsson |
Ellis Dewall (BDSwissPREMIUM) |
Daniel Lindberg |
Mr. Markus Fischer |
Mr. Taylor Gentry |
Faina Grosko |
JT Trader |
Eric Duncan |
Mr Mehmet Ozken-Hadjivarna |
Mr Daniel Benjamin Eggleton |
Mr. Reininger |
Elliot Hewitt |
Mr. Reinecke |
Andrea Bettini |
Daniela Croitman |
https://www.threads.net/@bdswissofficial |
https://t.me/+cZ7fOzTFyRFmNTBk |
https://www.instagram.com/bdswissinvestment_limited |
https://t.me/BDswisspro |
https://www.instagram.com/bd.duhok/ |
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565077755129&mibextid=kFxxJD |
https://www.tiktok.com/@bdswiss?_t=8pbBIyuB4cS&_r=1 |
https://www.instagram.com/bdswiss.duh0k |
https://www.instagram.com/bd.swissduhok/ |
https://www.tiktok.com/@bdswiss?_t=8pbBIyuB4cS&_r=1 |
https://t.me/BDSwiss00 |
www.instagram.com/_bdswiss_/ |
www.instagram.com/_bdswiss |
instagram.com/evelyn__thay |
Ivelin Investment Team (Sylvia) |
t.me/Bdswiss_trade_in_forex7 |
instagram.com/bdswiss_trade_in_forex7 |
facebook.com/asmau.lawal.399488 |
@elite_metavers/ |
@tradewithbdswiss |
t.me/BDswiss_officialfx |
instagram.com/bdswiss_usa |
twitter.com/Bdswiss_Vip |
t.me/Agent_Fedrick11twitter.com/Bdswiss_Vip |
tradewithbdswiss |
t.co/OQrBVK3dHK |
t.me/bdswiss_signals |
t.me/+cZ7fOzTFyRFmNTBk |
t.me/Bdswissupport |
t.me/bdwiss |
@Frank Forextrade1 official admin |
@BDSwiss Forex|Cyptoworldsignals MT4trail |
@Bdswisslauren |
@Bdswissfankwalbaum01 |
@BDSwisscorrine |
facebook.com/godslove.johnson.54 (BDSwiss CEO impersonator) |
instagram.com/wevesting |
instagram.com/davidgyt_S |
twitter.com/jamestradingjar |
facebook.com/jamestradingjar |
t.me/BDswissofficial1 |
instagram.com/millenderkevin/ |
bdwiss |
t.me/bdswis |
t.me/BDwis12 |
t.me/BDwissbroker |
tg://join?invite=fJHkt8VgSxhkMmE0 (BDSwiss USA) |
t.me/BDSwisstradegroup |
t.me/bdswisssignal1 |
instagram.com/pro_fx_co_uk/?hl=en |
instagram.com/bdswiss_ |
t.me/BDSwisstrade |
t.me/bdswissbinarytradegroup |
t.me/BDSwissSupport |
t.me/BDswissU |
t.me/bdswissfx1 |
t.me/bdswiss |
t.me/bdswiss1 |
t.me/bdswissignals |
t.me/BdswissSignalsVIPRAW |
t.me/bdswissfxsignalss |
http://www.tradingbd-swiss.space/ |
http://www.tradingbd-swiss.site/ |
http://www.tradingbd-swiss.com/ |
https://bdswissexpert.com/ |
https://bdswistrade.com/ |
https://bdswistradez.com/ |
https://gsbdswiss.tech/ |
https://www.bdswisstrade.com/about |
https://global.bdswiss.com/abuse-warning/ |
bdswissfx-prolt.com |
https://bdswisstradingplatform.com/ |
http://www.bd-swiss.trade/ |
http://alphafxtrades.com/ |
www.bdswissfxprolt.com/ |
www.bdswissmarkettrade.com/ |
www.bdswissifm.com |
www.bdswisstrades.com/ |
www.bdswissykn.com |
bdswisstrade.com |
swissbdtrade.com |
bdswissgroup.com |
www.bdswissasias.com/ |
bdswissonlinetrading.com |
www.Bdswissmarket.com |
m.bdswissasias.com |
ecryptostaff.com |
www.bdswisstradingiq.com |
bdswissbrokerportfoilo.com |
myfsecure.org |
wevesting.com |
fx.uk.london |
globalyouthtrading.com |
fxkuber.com |
91fp.org/about/company.html |
Swissmarketfx.com |
glprimetrade.com |
bdsw-trade.com |
rapidpromarkets.com |
bftfxtrade.com |
tradesjar.com |
tradingjar.com |
blackdiamondswiss.com |
bd-swiss.com |
expatfxtrade.com/regulation |
trading101.com |
bitoptionstrade247.com/closeee |
fsecure.online |
bdswissfxpro.com/index.php |
endeavourcapital.com |
bdswissfx.com |
pulstrade.com |
forexg.com |
surecryptoforex.com |
swissoptionstrading.com |
fsecure.pro |
capitaleplus.it/en |
marketsswiss.com |
fxoptiontrade247.com |
bullishcoin.net |
pro-fx.co.uk |
prime-bdswiss.com |
bds-pay.com |
intensefxtrade.com |
urbanfxtrade.com |
nervicfxtrade.com |
cryptfxtm.com |
bankdeswiss.com |
Capitalswissfx.com |
parifxtrade.com |
Epoxtrade.com |
Expertfxtrade.com |
Swisscfd.com |
Official warnings against companies and individuals can be found for example on the following links provided by various regulators:
CySEC: https://www.cysec.gov.cy/en-GB/public-info/warnings/cysec/
FCA: https://www.fca.org.uk/scamsmart/warning-list
BaFin: https://www.bafin.de/DE/Verbraucher/Aktuelles/verbraucher_node.html
IOSCO: https://www.iosco.org/investor_protection/?subsection=investor_alerts_portal
SEC: https://www.sec.gov/enforce/pause-impersonators
In case of any doubt, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or any other means of contact as listed on our website www.bdswiss.com.
We will be grateful for any information about misuse or attempt of misuse of our brand names, websites, licences or services and will take any appropriate steps to protect our clients and our business.