BDSwiss Becomes One of TELETHON’s Main Sponsors

As part of its ongoing corporate social responsibility initiatives and its efforts to positively contribute to the local community, BDSwiss Holding Ltd is proud to announce its most recent charitable donation in support of TELETHON Cyprus.
Powered by The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING) and the Cyprus Association of Myopathy, TELETHON is an international annual fundraising event that supports the work of the CING in transforming the lives of people affected by muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and related neuromuscular diseases through innovations in science and innovations in care.
BDSwiss’ donation to TELETHON will help fund ongoing research and raise public awareness of neurological and genetic diseases through an upcoming charitable concert in September 2021 featuring the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra.
At a time when the Cyprus economy is facing the biggest downturn since the Great Depression, fundraising and research funding have become two of the biggest challenges for non-profit organisations like the CING. BDSwiss’ charitable donation will support the work of these organisations through these uncertain and unprecedented times.
The donation in support of TELETHON was presented to the CING Executive Medical Director Dr Leonidas Fylaktou by BDSwiss CMO, Drosoula Hadjisavva and Executive Director, Katalina Michael.
Ms Michael proudly presented the company’s donation and commented: “We all know that TELETHON is an effort embraced by the local community for its immense contribution to support the work of the CING and provide high-quality care to patients with neuromuscular diseases.”
Ms Hadjisavva further added: “BDSwiss contributions to The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and TELETHON are part of our broader corporate and social responsibility efforts which are in turn supported by our strong company ethics and purpose-driven strategy. BDSwiss’ global and local CSR initiatives are aimed at creating positive change by supporting health and medical research causes, alleviating poverty, and resolving social and environmental challenges.”
Accepting the donation, Dr Fylaktou thanked BDSwiss for its kind contribution and underlined the importance of such initiatives, especially during these challenging times when many of TELETHON’s fundraising events and efforts have been cancelled due to the pandemic.
Dr Fylaktou stated: “On behalf of TELETHON and the non-profit CING medical research centre, we are very appreciative of such initiatives and we commend our corporate sponsors for their strong CSR commitment.”
About TELETHON: TELETHON is an annual international charity that started in the USA and quickly expanded to many European countries, including France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and others. It mobilizes the efforts of hundreds of thousands of volunteers and raises awareness of millions of people around the world. The overarching goal is to support patients but also to find through research the appropriate and effective treatment of neuromuscular, genetic and other diseases. “TELETHON” Cyprus is organized annually by the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics and MDA Cyprus.