BDSwiss Supports Youth Football Team in Venezuela

Football sponsorships are often associated with lucrative contracts, branding campaigns and exposure on a large scale. At BDSwiss, we want these collaborations and contributions to be more about the person, organisation or entity on the receiving end and less about us. Our latest initiative sees us supporting a small football team in Venezuela called Club Deportivo Llano Alto. Why, you might ask? There are a couple of things that urged us to this move.
This club is managed directly by Naudy Eduardo Orozco Pereira, a football coach and trader. Founded 10 years ago, the club hosts 116 football players from 4 to 17 years old, running on almost no funds. The club attracts kids from poor neighbourhoods, introduces them to the beautiful sport of football and keeps them out of trouble such as gang violence, drugs and prison. What Naudy has managed to create is a source of healthy living, inspiration and a path to a better life for many kids. To give you an idea, some football players are now professionals playing in other teams, but they grew up in this club.
Hearing about this story, we immediately wanted to be involved, contribute and help this project keep running. This football team resembles everything we vouch for and believe in here at BDSwiss. Pursuing goals, motivating people to become the best versions of themselves and not giving up no matter how hard things can get.
We’re proud to be involved in this project, and we want 2023 to be the year our CSR activities help people and communities worldwide.